This is not the way to honour your forefathers – “throw your clothes into our bins” On January 31st it was Thai Amavasai, or the new moon day in the Tamil Calendar month of Thai – celebrated by Tamilians the world over to honour their forefathers. On this day,…
Powertec Engineering’s CSR project with FIN
Championing Safe Sanitation! Friend In Need Trust India or FIN is focused on highlighting the importance of universal safe sanitation standards in all parts of the world. Though people often think of the global challenge of lack of access to sanitation or a functioning toilet as having single and definite…
Christmas Camp at the FIN Rural Lab in Kameswaram village
After all …where there is a will there will be a way! Our discussions were heated from the beginning of December. “What if it rains again like during our Deepawali camp?” “Who will come? Schools have opened.” “How are we going to inform the people – we don’t want the…
World Toilet Day Festival – A great learning experience!
See FIN Webinar Since 2015, around 500 million low-cost toilets have been diffused around the world, but still about 2 billion people are responding to the call of nature in the open daily mainly due to lack of access to a functioning toilet, but sometimes simply by choice. This…