The following international scientific publications by Shyama V. Ramani are based on her work at Kameswaram via Friend In Need Trust. They can be found at http://www.shyama-v-ramani.net
- Kemp, Rene and Ramani, Shyama V., (2020) Solution design through a stakeholder process as a new perspective for Environmental Economics with illustrations from Indian case studies, In Research Agenda for Environmental Economics Edited by Mathias, Ruth. Edward Elgar Publishing . https://doi.org/10.4337/9781789900057 Pages: 231–252.
- Ramani, Shyama V. “On consortium driven sanitation interventions to end open defecation: insights from an Indian village study.” Innovation and Development (2019): 1-17.
- Ramani, Shyama V., Timothée Frühauf and Arijita Dutta “On diarrhoea in adolescents and school toilets: Insights from an Indian village school study”, Journal of Development Studies, 1-16 (2017).
- Ramani, Shyama V., Shuan SadreGhazi and Suraksha Gupta, “Catalysing Innovation for Social Impact: The Role of Social Enterprises in the Indian Sanitation Sector” with in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 121, 216-227, (2017).
- Dutta, Arijita, Gitanjali Hajra and Shyama V. Ramani, “On incidence of diarrhoea among children in India: Can the Gordian knot of complementarities be cut?” Economic and Political Weekly 51, Issue No. 22, 28 May, 121-129 (2016).
- Shyama V. Ramani and Shuan SadreGhazi, Where is the toilet please? The sanitation sectoral innovation system in Rural India By (p. 309- 336) in Ramani, Shyama V., ed. Innovation in India: Combining Economic Growth with Inclusive Development. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- Ramani, Shyama V., Shuan SadreGhazi, and Geert Duysters. “On the diffusion of toilets as bottom of the pyramid innovation: Lessons from sanitation entrepreneurs.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change4 (2012): 676-687.