The National Institute of Technology Puducherry (NITPY) at Karaikal strives to contribute to India’s growth and prosperity by producing highly qualified engineers. NITPY is committed to providing opportunities to students not only to learn about engineering, but also undertake research, and training activities.
Under this context, a unique education innovation was tried out as a collaboration between FIN and NITPY – with Prof. Ramani as a guest faculty at NITPY. Many thanks go to Dr. Sankaranarayanasamy Krishnaswamy, Director of NITPY, who is well known for his dynamism and institution-building skills, and Madappa Sivasubramanian, Ph.D., Civil Engineering Department, the mentor and guide of this experiment. 🙏🏾
The FIN team of volunteers (Prof. Ramani, Dr. Anurag Kanaujia, Dr. Raja Venkataramani, Mr. Shanmugarajan M, Ms. Maria Tomai, Mr. Abhishek Pathak, Mr. PM Nikhil P M, Mr. Maximilian Bruder Bruder) covered different sections of the course on sustainability concepts and practice as well as principles and practice of scientific communication for employability. 🙏🏾
Some quotes from the students of the first batch – to be congratulated for their engagement with this experimental education innovation! 🥳
“This course was very different from anything we have done so far. This is something that every student should make to do to communicate effectively.”
“Assignments required us to think creatively – it’s a different experience from having to study to pass exams.”
“This is the first time I have interacted so closely in small groups – so I learned in a very different way.”
“This is the first time I was being mentored to think on my own without a set syllabus.”
“Because I had to create from nothing – it was very challenging in a good way.”
“The employed world seems less distant, I have been gathering information all this while, but only now do I have all the tools required to get there seamlessly.”
So – a million thanks to Ayushi Yadhuvanshi, Saanghwi Patel, Sahil Bansal, M Nithin, Dharun Ram Sarathy, Dhanvantraj M, Jubin Thomas Kuriakose, and Shaikh Fardeen Ahmed Pasha – for your inputs and outputs 🙏🏾 (you were all great lab rats! 😉). And the evidence you have generated is more than enough to ensure the continuity and growth of this collaboration.
Last but not least, we look forward to further exchanges with Dr. Sivakumar Ramalingam and thank him sincerely for all the administrative support provided. 🙏🏾 #sustainability #training #growth #education #india #students #collaboration #innovation